
Cuba: Permanent Commissions of Parliament Conclude Debates

The permanent commissions of the Cuban Parliament conclude discussions on Wednesday on the economic plan and the budget for 2012. According to the Constitutional and Legal Program of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament) deputies will analyze the laws approved in the context of updating the economic model of the island.»

Cuban President Receives Holy See Delegation

President of the Cuban Council of State and Ministers, Raul Castro Ruz, received a delegation of the Holy See presided over by doctor Alberto Gasbarri, in charge of organizing international pontifical tours.»

Cuba to Discuss Economic and Budget Plans for 2012

Debates at the Eighth Session of the Cuban People’s Power National Assembly summoned for December 23 will focus on economic and juridical matters. The Economic Plan and State Budget drafts for 2012 will be placed for consideration and approval to the deputies.»

Pope Benedict XVI Confirms Visit to Cuba Before Easter

Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that he is planning to visit Cuba and Mexico before Easter next year. The pontiff made the announcement as he celebrated mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe, one of the most revered figures of Roman Catholicism in Mexico.»