
Fidel Castro Warns that World Peace Hangs by a Thread

The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro warned against the possibility of a US war against Iran, saying such event would be exclusively the result of the adventurism and congenital irresponsibility of the United States.»

Goya Nomination for Cuban Gerardo Chijona

Cuban filmmaker Gerardo Chijona was happy and surprised after his nomination for the Goya Awards 2012 with his film “Boleto al Paraiso” (Ticket to Paradise), an honor he dedicated to his working team.»

Raul Castro Sees Iranian Counterpart Off

Cuba President Raul Castro saw his Iranian counterpart Doctor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad off this Thursday after the conclusion of his 24-hour official visit to the island.  On Wednesday, both leaders held official talks.»

Iranian President Visits Cuba

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived on Tuesday in Cuba, where he will carry out a broad agenda for promoting bilateral relations. Ahmadinejad and his delegation were welcomed at the Jose Marti International Airport in this capital by Vice President Esteban Lazo.»

Cuban Minister Tours Trinidad Tourist Facilities

Cuban Minister of Tourism Manuel Marrero attended in Trinidad the re-opening of several tourism facilities, within the framework of the celebration of the ancient village 498 foundation anniversary. »

Fidel: A Robot Would be the Best Candidate

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro said in his latest reflections titled “The Best President for the United States,” that 90 percent of eligible US voters, would rather vote a Robot that would avoid a war that may put an end to our human species on the planet.»