Prensa Latina News Agency

Texto de Prensa Latina News Agency

Documentary on Cuban Five Screened in France

“The Cuban Five: Obama and election of injustice” is the title of a documentary about the case of the five Cubans held prisoners in the United States, screened at the headquarters of the France-Cuba organization.»

Mujica Urges Obama to Free Cuban Anti-terrorists

Barack Obama and Pepe Mujica

Uruguayan president Jose Mujica asked Barack Obama to take action and free the three Cuban anti-terrorists, who are still in US prisons, since the issue is a major factor to improve relations with Cuba.»

Russia to Sue Ukraine for Odessa Massacre

Odessa Massacre

Russia’s Public Chamber is readying to file a lawsuit against the Ukrainian government at European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for the Odessa massacre, carried out by fascist groups.»