Raul Castro: The Revolution Will Leave no One Unprotected

In a message sent to the Cuban people, the President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Raul Castro said that: “One principle remains immovable: the Revolution will leave no one unprotected and measures are already being adopted to ensure that no Cuban family is left to their fate”. “We face the recovery with the example of Comandante en Jefe »

Hurricane Irma’s Only Benefit to Sancti Spíritus

The greatest contribution of dangerous Hurricane Irma in Sancti Spiritus was the 731 000 000m³ of water received in the nine reservoirs that exist in this central Cuban province between Friday and Sunday. At that moment the territory stored 928 000 000m³, which represents 72 percent of its reservoirs’ capacity. The local Zaza dam, which was just at 15 percent of its »