Radio Havana Cuba

Texto de Radio Havana Cuba

Bolivia Requests UNASUR Meeting over Colombia-NATO Links

Bolivian government has formally requested the Security Council of the Union of South American Nation (UNASUR) to convene a special meeting to assess the possible links of Colombia with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).»

PARLATINO Meeting in Havana Concluded

The Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO) closed working sessions in Havana after adopting framework legislation in the areas of urban security and the promotion of medical attention.»

Cuban President Raul Castro in Caracas for Presidential Inauguration

Cuban President Raul Castro arrived in Caracas on Friday, leading a government delegation to the swearing in of Nicolas Maduro as President of Venezuela. Raul Castro was welcomed at Caracas’s Maiquetía International Airport by Venezuelan Vice President for Economy and Production, Ricardo Menendez.»