Blog Archives 2024

EcuRed, a Platform Aimed at Knowledge Management

Located in the south-central area of ​​the eastern Cuban province of Granma, the Bartolomé Masó municipality stands out for having two landscape units, one flat and the other mountainous, which preserve the memories of some of the most transcendental events in our national history, which with the collective contest are part of that source of knowledge that’s the Cuban Collaborative Encyclopedia on Internet, EcuRed.»

Documentary film to be premiered in Cuba

The documentary film "Maisinicu, Medio Siglo Despues" (Maisinicu, Half a Century Later-2023) directed by Mitchell Lobaina will be simultaneously premiered in 155 Cuban movie theaters on Thursday, as a tribute to the 63rd anniversary of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT)»

Cuban beach volleyball duo qualify for Paris 2024

The Cuban beach duo Noslen Díaz-Jorge Luis Alayo officially qualified for Paris 2024, after their recent performance in the Stare Jablonki Challenge, Poland, and the elimination of the Austrian and Chilean duos in the Elite 16 from Ostrava, Czech Republic.»

A Life devoted to Science

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Dayamí Dorta Hernández has devoted for the past 27 years to what she considers the most inspiring adventure of her life: research for the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, CIGB, in Sancti Spíritus.»

Sancti Spíritus, Site of Legends and Realities

The fourth Cuban patrimonial village, Sancti Spíritus, is today a place of legends and realities, of renovations to celebrate this June 4 the 510th anniversary of its founding by the Spaniards. The people of Sancti Spíritus live attached to their traditions without abandoning development and modernity as a city that in the 16th century was the union of the east »