Blog Archives 2024

The Power of Listening

Living as a couple imposes many challenges on us. It’s not possible to empathize with another person in absolutely every aspect, much less with the person we live with on a daily basis because, unlike other relationships – friendship or work – we can’t evade or flee from those who accompany us in life.»

US raises millions-worth funds for plans against Cuba

US raises millions-worth funds for plans against Cuba

United States authorities approved an additional sum of more than 50 million dollars for subversive actions against Cuba, with emphasis on media manipulation campaigns, Cubadebate’s website reported on Sunday.»

Putin appreciates aid provided to the attack’s victims in Moscow

vladimir putin

“I thank the teams of doctors and air ambulance, members of special units, firefighters, rescuers who did everything possible to save lives, to pull people out of the fire, out of the epicenter of the fire and smoke,” Putin said in his message to the Russian population after the attack, which killed at least 115 people. On Friday, a group »

Mexican president rejects Texas law on deportation of migrants

Mexican president rejects Texas law on deportation of migrants

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blasted Texas’s anti-immigrant SB4 law on Wednesday as U.S. courts continue to wrangle over its legality. The law grants Texas authorities broad powers to arrest and deport anyone they suspect of crossing the border without authorization. »