Cuba, first cultural destination in America for National Geographic

The prestigious U.S. media outlet National Geographic, in its official website, today, designated Cuba as the first cultural destination to visit, in the American continent, this year.

La magia especial que envuelve a la ciudad de Trinidad
La magia especial que envuelve a la ciudad de Trinidad

The cover of the publication is an image of one of Havana’s traditional sidewalks, crowned by flower sellers, accompanied by a caption that highlights this capital as a melting pot of cultures, with varied African, Caribbean and Spanish influences.

In the list of its five recommended places, the Caribbean island is followed by Peru; the Deep South, in reference to a trip through the cities that border the legendary Mississippi River in the United States; and Mexico and Colombia.

Under the title “5 experts share their favorite cultural destinations in North and South America,” National Geographic argues that the vast and diverse continents of North and South America are a world-class cultural destination.

It explains that in this region travelers can explore the colorful colonial-era streets of Havana in Cuba, trace the roots of American music along the mighty Mississippi or travel by rail through the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru.

About Cuba’s nomination for the top spot, it notes that it is ideal for its unique history and rich nightlife.

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