A total of 56 feminicides, one a week on average until December 28, occurred this year in Chile, a report from the Chilean Network against Violence on Women warns today.
On the subject, newspaper El Siglo points out that the official figures are lower, since the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity reports 42 crimes committed, because there are murders that current legislation does not classify as feminicides.
According to the Chilean Network against Violence against Women, feminist theory considers femicide as a crime that reflects, to an extreme degree, ‘the sense of ownership, domination and control that men exercise towards women in patriarchal societies.’
But for the legislation, it is murder ‘executed by who is or has been her spouse or partner, or with whom she has or has had a child in common, by reason of having or having had a relationship with her of a sentimental nature or sexual without coexistence ‘.
The study also indicates that 65 percent of the murderers were a partner of the victim and another 25 percent were, while this phenomenon affects practically women of all ages, although the majority were between 24 and 30 years old.
The former Minister of Women and Gender Equality Claudia Pascual, told Radio Nuevo Mundo that this year’s figures confirm the need for the cultural change proposed by the feminist movement in order to eradicate violence against women.
Pascual warned that a timely approach to gender violence is required within the police force, ‘considering that only one percent of women are resorting to institutional reporting mechanisms.’
She also criticized the ruling party and opposition sectors for the delay in processing a bill to combat this scourge, presented during the second government of Michelle Bachelet and which has been ‘sleeping’ in National Congress for more than three years.
Lorena Astudillo, spokeswoman for the Chilean Network against Violence on Women, believes that ‘public policies to prevent and eradicate violence against women are not being effective (…) as the State is failing and that must be reviewed.’
In addition, murders are the extreme expression of a problem that is expressed in all areas, since a study carried out this year by the Miles Corporation and the Center for Women’s Studies indicates that one in three women suffered some type of violence during the pandemic.
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