The eight candidates to Ecuador Presidency began a race to gain followers for their government programs, following the start of the electoral campaign for the general election

With the start, on the eve, the contenders to the Palace of Carondelet firmly began their programs aimed at attracting voters and explain the plans and measures they will implement in favor of the people, to achieve victory in the votes.
Lenin Moreno (Alianza País), Guillermo Lasso (Movimiento CREO), Cynthia Viteri (Partido Social Cristiano), Paco Moncayo (Izquierda Democrática), Ivan Espinel (Fuerza Compromiso Social), Patricio Zuquilanda (Sociedad Patrótica), Washington Pesántez Abdalá Bucaram (Fuerza Ecuador) are the candidates to the top position in the national government.
Moreno, of the ruling party, opened his game formally in the San Juan de Dios hostel in this capital, where he made a tour and shared with people of limited resources, who receive help from the national administration there, one of the many fitted out by the authorized to help the needed.
CREO’s candidate, Guillermo Lasso, decided to start his official campaign tour through the city of Guayaquil, where he visited the Los Sauces 5 sector and reiterated his promise to generate one million jobs.
As announced in his Twitter account, today will be the official launch of his election campaign at the Convention Center in that same city.
Meanwhile, Patricio Zuquilanda developed his first activities in the province of Sucumbíos, accompanied by the former president, Lucio Gutiérrez and Washington Pesántez traveled in caravan Portoviejo and Manta, in Manabí, the most damaged, along with Esmeraldas, by the last April earthquake of 7.8.
Thus, the eight contenders started their respective races, which will conclude the coming February 16, when the campaign ends, to start the Election Silence stage, until the 19th, voting day.
On February 19, voters will define the next president and vice president of the nation, the 137 members of the National Assembly and 5 Andean Parliamentarians in a day where a popular consultation will also be held to endorse the government’s proposal to ban public officials from having assets and capital in tax havens.
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