Blog Archives June 2014

World Demands Freedom for the Five in Washington

The solidarity campaign that has drawn representatives from nearly 30 countries, demanding the U.S. government the release of the Cubans being held prisoners in federal prisoners, is heading into the home stretch this Monday. Since June 4, lawyers, parliamentarians, religious representatives, writers, artists, union members, and friends of the cause of the Cuban Five, as Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio »

Poll Says Spanish People Back Referendum

The 62 percent of Spaniards support the proposal of a referendum on Monarchy or Republic, brought up to politics with the abdication of the King, according to the poll of the Metroscopia company released this Sunday.»

Terrorism History vs. Cuba on Washington’s Agenda

The history of terrorism on Cuba occupied today part of the agenda of an international campaign taking place until June 11 in Washington DC, in which representatives of at least 30 countries are participating.»