Cuban News Agency

Texto de Cuban News Agency

January 28: José Martí’s brilliance

A new January 28th arrives to mark Cuban National Hero José Martí’s 169th birth anniversary, as his poems and words and plenty of dedicated songs fly in our schools, where he is so cherished, and elsewhere nationwide as part of an indescribable celebration»

Cuban Zapateo dates back to the far-off 1550s

El zapateo. Víctor Patricio Landaluze. Colección: Arte en la colonia

There are more than 70 musical genres in Cuba, which is why many call it the Island of Music. In the first place we must mention Salsa, Son or Danzón, although Cha-cha-chá, Mambo or the noisy Timba also stand out, without leaving aside others born centuries ago, such as the Zapateo. Zapateo is a Cuban stomping dance of Spanish origin »

A toast to love and life

city of sancti spiritus

Now that the Christmas holidays and New Year’s Eve are coming, we should drink a toast to love and life, as a light of hope that shines on each celebration, observing the responsible conduct that this moment demands and which we must all practice to avoid further cases of the lethal COVID-19»