Peace Boat Travellers Meet with Fidel Castro in Havana

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro met at Havana’s Convention  Center on Thursday with the over 700 members of the Peace Boat, who arrived in Cuba on the same day as part of their world crossing.Fidel’s new meeting with the pacifist mission, turned into a “Forum for peace and against nuclear weapons” following a proposal of

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro met at Havana’s Convention  Center on Thursday with the over 700 members of the Peace Boat, who arrived in Cuba on the same day as part of their world crossing.Fidel’s new meeting with the pacifist mission, turned into a “Forum for peace and against nuclear weapons” following a proposal of the General Director of the project, YoshiokaTatsuya, made it possible to listen to the horrifying statements of a survivor of the nuclear bombing against Hiroshima and of a university professor of Fukushima, the Japanese city that was the victim of the accident of a nuclear plant after the earthquake and tsunami of March, 2011, the grandfather of which is in turn a survivor of Hiroshima.

Also known was the experiences of Cuban physician Julio Medina, director of the Hospital de Tarara, where for 21 years more than 26,000 victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, most of them children, have received medical attention.

During his conversation with participants in the Forum, Fidel called to spread the horrific consequences of the bombings against Hiroshima and Nagasaki even more; to continue delving into the effects of nuclear tests in the Pacific and in the United States; to denounce the irrational existence of 25,000 nuclear weapons in the world; and to struggle for peace and for the survival of the human race.  (Taken from ACN)

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