
Yayabo with its Unparalleled Rhythm

Sancti Spíritus

Priority one is health. Work is underway to resume surgery services at the José Martí Pérez Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital, where construction forces are extending the working day, with a view to concluding the remodeling of the civil work before July 26.»

“We will celebrate July 26th with work”

In Sancti Spiritus the impact of the news of the designation of this province as the venue of the National Act for the 71st anniversary of the assaults on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Barracks still lingers on.»

Russian Navy ships visit Cuba

Visitan Cuba buques de la Armada de Rusia

A detachment of Russian warships arrives at the port of Havana on Wednesday for a visit that will last until June 17th.»

EcuRed, a Platform Aimed at Knowledge Management

Located in the south-central area of ​​the eastern Cuban province of Granma, the Bartolomé Masó municipality stands out for having two landscape units, one flat and the other mountainous, which preserve the memories of some of the most transcendental events in our national history, which with the collective contest are part of that source of knowledge that’s the Cuban Collaborative Encyclopedia on Internet, EcuRed.»