Sancti Spíritus is decked out for a New Anniversary

The Office of the Sancti Spíritus City Conservator is currently carrying out several actions aimed at remodeling spaces with a high patrimonial value in honor of the 510th anniversary of the Villa, next June 4.

According to Alaen Echemendía Zerquera, deputy director of investments in the Office, the main object of work is a modern convention hall with capacity for 80 people and a secondary hall that can accommodate up to 35.

He added that the place will also have an audio booth and a translation booth, which will be used for events with foreign participation.

The Office of the Curator of Sancti Spíritus is also immersed in other projects such as the capital repair of the so-called Central Café and the works in the Rubí Building, in addition to other interventions already completed.

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