Until when?

The world is regressing. Barbarism is being imposed. Several values, principles and behaviors which Humanity had accepted as valid -even though they reflect societies of antagonistic classes- and which a great deal of that very same Humanity considers “normal”, are being trampled, ill-treated and excluded from every-day life.

The world is regressing. Barbarism is being imposed
The world is regressing. Barbarism is being imposed

News in that sense is overwhelming. It is becoming common for the Ukraine armed forces, backed by NATO, to bombard hospitals, kindergartens andamusement parks. The free press reports that one of the missiles fired by the neo-Nazi army struck the pediatric ward of the hospital causing many dead and wounded. All of this, with weapons provided through “humanitarian aid” by Europe and the United States. Something similar takes place in Palestine, where the Zionist army murders children with impunity.

All the arguments used to send weapons to Ukraine and to support the Zionists are the same ones used to justify unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and other countries. The total lack of ethics makes them show, without any shame, crimes against Humanity which affect life and lead to the death of tens of thousands of citizens. They do not mind supplying money and armament to the Nazi government of Ukraine or to Zionist Israel, which are becoming one and the same.

Last November, a resolution presented in the UN to condemn the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other such practices was approved by the immense majority of the world´s countries, but rejected by the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Great Britain and the European Union. In other words, these countries consider that Nazism should be hailed as a universal value. Perhaps this explains their unleashed support of Ukraine´s Nazi regime.

I think the debate around these matters goes beyond the present conjuncture. We must go to the fundamentals, the structural, to that which has strategic characteristics for the interests of Humanity. In that sense, one could say that the values crisis has to do with the implosion of a series of processes the world is going through and which are related to the inefficiency of certain theoretical constructions which are no longer useful for today´s situation, such as definitions like democracy, left and right, separation of powers, alternation in government, freedom of the press and of expression, rule of law and others which today are only domination instruments, and which even sectors of the left have assimilated… and even defended due to their inability to build alternative points of view, believe in them and use them as tools for the construction of the new society.

Thus, due to our lack of ability in theoretical creation and revolutionary practice, we have been pushed to the defense and safeguard of the conceptualization which emanates from societies of antagonistic classes. We all know that those declarations transformed into paradigms by those who have been in power were announced many centuries and even millennia ago, when the world was completely different from today´s. To continue to uphold them is an entelechy and even absurd. That is what those who dominate us want.

One of those paradigms is that of democracy as it is known in the West. Proof of its total falsehood can be seen in what is happening in Peru or in the United States, the very heart of the capitalist Western world, which reveres representative democracy.

When a well-known Western leader such as Josep Borrell establishes a difference in the world, where Europe is a garden and the rest, a jungle, one can understand perfectly the enigma which we are intendedly forced to accept. That justifies the expansion of NATO as the enlargement of a beautiful capitalist garden which must be built on the entire planet to save Humanity from the barbarism of the jungle. That is necessary even at the cost of war, genocide or even the destruction of life on Earth.

In these definitions, centuries of Eurocentrism have led us to believe that Europe is the mother of world civilization and the example to follow. It is worth remembering that none of the great civilizations of antiquity: China, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas, were in Europe.

In reality, Europe is an expression of the worst of the history of Humanity. Capitalism and imperialism were born there, as were slavery and colonialism; the two most brutal wars that the world can remember were developed there. Europe exhibits in its museums, without impudence, all of its own barbarism which reveals the most execrable aspects of the human condition.

At present, its monarchical systems are sold, wrapped in tinsel, as an example of political stability; its corrupt parliament at the service of repudiable royalty from other continents and its military structure organized under NATO, which is nothing more than a sweetened manifestation of its transformation into a colony of the United States that bought it through the Marshall Plan. These are clear examples of the rot that the world will not endure for much longer.

As long as they exist, we must maintain relations with them, as with everyone, but on a basis of mutual respect. The defense of sovereignty and the ability to make decisions without external interference should be a cornerstone of any self-respecting country´s foreign policy. Any other type of link should not and cannot be accepted under any circumstance.

In the case of Latin America, Europe only wants to have good relations to feed the dirty interests of its banks and its plundering companies. The governments are mere servants to guarantee the theft of our resources.

In this respect, I find it absolutely disgraceful that, in the 21st century we continue to regard European countries as guarantors of anything. Until when? I cannot conceive that in order that there be understanding between Venezuelans and Colombians, Norway or France have to be called upon to witness our good will to solve internal problems. Norway pretends to support peace in Latin America and, at the same time, as a NATO country, supports de Nazi government in Kiev. In fact, it is the sixth largest contributor with weapons and financial resources with more than 550 million dollars so Zelensky can continue his genocidal work.

That is, it “works” for peace in Latin America and works for war in Europe. How much immorality? … And we accept it.

Until when?

Do we not have the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) Why create our institutions if we do not believe they can be guarantors? Celac should be much more than meetings for speeches and applause. Until when must we continue to believe in the wild Europe as a synonym of peace?

What can a continent like Europe be when it remains silent while the United States sinks its currency? They are nothing. They depend on trade with China, on energy from Russia and on “security” provided by their status as vassals of the United States. They live from the past and from the history they built for themselves with money from the theft, abuse and genocide of hundreds of millions of human beings. They have sweetened history to sell themselves as cultural civilizers.

They cannot be guarantors for the solution of our problems, nor can the OAS be a guarantor. One can see what happened in Bolivia and, more recently, in Peru. To need the OAS is to need the United States. In our case, as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to invite the United States or Europe to solve our business, as the Liberator once said, is not acceptable under any circumstance.

For some reason, he did not invite them to the Panama Congress in 1826. We must live up to our peoples, building our institutions, giving them credibility and granting them the power provided by the popular sovereignty to resolve our affairs and move forward.

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