Solidarity shipments continue to be sent to Cuba from Spain

New shipments of solidarity material donations from Spain have intensified in recent weeks, with a global campaign that includes different alternatives.

According to information provided to Prensa Latina by José Manzaneda, coordinator of Cubainformación in Spain, in parallel to a general call to help the Caribbean island, especially the province of Pinar del Río after the passage of Hurricane Ian, there are also shipments of packages with people traveling as tourists.

From the Canary Islands, the source said, the Canary Islands-Cuban Solidarity Network against the blockade, which brings together different groups, promotes donations that reach Cuba through people who do so as tourists.

It counts on the collaboration, in a disinterested and free way, of the firm Cugranca Safety, S.L., directed from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, by Juan Arroyo, for the shipment by air parcels, in addition to an airline that facilitates the transfer of other donations.

With both mechanisms, tourist suitcases and air parcels, four shipments have already been made in recent months, with a total of 447 kilograms of donations.

The Canary-Cuban Solidarity Network remarked the character of political vindication of these shipments, ‘a sign of solidarity in the struggle, from all over the world, against the enormous injustice of the criminal blockade of the United States against the Cuban people and a form of total support to the Cuban Revolution’.

It is a similar and complementary system to that of the ‘Hormigas Solidarias’ initiative, which is carried out by the Cuban emigration associations of the FACRE (Federation of Associations of Cuban Residents in Spain) ‘José Martí’ and which is coordinated by Mireya Gallego, Cubainformación pointed out.

Days ago, a new container with donations for Cuba was loaded in Valencia, Spain, as part of the solidarity campaign, bound for the western province of Pinar del Río.

As part of the campaign promoted by the MESC, the first container destined for Pinar del Río was prepared in Valencia, an initiative that is part of the agreements of the XVI Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba held last October in Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia, to support the Caribbean island.

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