The ceremony will be held at Ciudad Libertad School, where the historic leader addressed the people 60 years ago
The 60th anniversary of the triumphal entry of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro to Havana, at the head of the Rebel
Army, will be celebrated this Tuesday in the Libertad School City, not without remembering his passage through various Havana municipalities among a sea of people who welcomed him with joy and hope.
In the Julio Antonio Mella company, in Cuatro Caminos, in El Cotorro, the reception will take place to those coming from the province of Mayabeque who will give the flags to the representatives of different generations who will re-edit the end of this voyage, begun on January 2 in Santiago de Cuba.
There will be two political-cultural acts in the Guido Pérez brewery and in the 9 de Abril park, in the municipality itself, where the caravanistas, among them pioneers, students, outstanding young people, members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior, as well as fighters of the insurrectionary struggle, will pay homage to heroes and martyrs.
According to the itinerary program, to which ACN had access, the next stop will be at the Virgen del Camino, in San Miguel del Padrón, and shortly thereafter there will be another stop at the Avenida del Puerto, in front of the former Navy Staff, in the vicinity of the Cruise Terminal.
As happened 60 years ago, the Freedom Caravan will continue its journey until today’s Revolution Museum, where tribute will be paid to the martyrs of the March 13, 1957 feat, while a group of teenagers will receive the card of the Union of Young Communists.
It will then be up to the workers of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television, at 23 y M, in El Vedado, to receive the caravanistas on their premises before continuing the itinerary to the Ciudad Escolar Libertad, in Marianao, where the central event for the 60th anniversary of the entry of the “bearded ones” to Havana will take place.
Since his departure from Santiago de Cuba on January 2, as it passed through cities and towns in the east and center of the country, a popular reception has had the re-edition of the triumphal march of Fidel and his comrades in struggle towards the capital, since once again millions of compatriots have
wanted to pay homage to the maximum leader of the Revolution two years after his physical departure.
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