example of revolutionary heroism. (Photo taken from http://vietnamnews.vn)
In April 2012, Phu Trong paid an official visit to Cuba, where he was granted the Jose Marti Order, the highest distinction given by the Cuban Council of State
The General Secretary of Vietnam’s Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong, will arrive in Cuba Wednesday afternoon on an official visit and will hold talks with First Secretary of Cuba’s Communist Party, President Raul Castro.
A Bachelor in Literature, Phu Trong joined the Communist Party in December 1967 and he worked as editor of the Communist Magazine, organ of the Vietnamese political organization up to 1973.
After taking post-graduate studies in Economics, went to the Soviet Union in 1981, where he was granted a PhD by the USSR Social Sciences Academy.
Phu Trong assumed different political responsibilities including
undersecretary of the Provincial Communist Party Committee in Hanoi City and member of the Party’s Central Committee. He was elected Parliament President in two legislatures and later General Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee in the organization’s 11th and 12th congresses.
In April 2012, Phu Trong paid an official visit to Cuba, where he was
granted the Jose Marti Order, the highest distinction given by the Cuban Council of State.
The Vietnamese top Party official met with Cuban historic leader Fidel
Castro in what was then described as a cordial and very interesting meeting, without any protocol; it was just two brothers sharing at the same home.
During his 2012 visit Phu Trong expressed that Cuba is for the Vietnamese an example of revolutionary heroism, internationalism, strong will and deep conviction in the fair cause of freedom and independence.
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