The home of Abel Santamaria, a revolutionary fighter who took part in actions related with the attack to the Moncada Garrison in 1953, received the award this year
The native home of Cuban martyr Abel Santamaria Cuadrado – in Cuban province of Villa Clara- received the National Monument Restoration Award, which is awarded to promoted initiatives to estimulate protection of buildings and houses of great value.
The home of Abel Santamaria, a revolutionary fighter who took part in actions related with the attack to the Moncada Garrison in 1953, and was murdered by soldiers of the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista after the attack, was found in an imminent loss, so its recuperation, is a very relevant contribution to the Cuban culture and history.
Maria de los Angeles Cano, a Cuban expert in restoration from Cienfuegos, was recognized by her work for the preservation of a private house that kept its attributes, as much in the architecture as in its furniture.
Special mentions were received by the Municipal Museum of Madruga, Mayabeque, Plaza de la Marqueta (Holguin) and the house in which the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, was in 1958, in the General Headquarters of the Cuban Rebel Army in La Plata (Santiago de Cuba).
The jury that awarded these prizes, was formed by members of the National Monument Commission, the Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba (UNEAC), the Faculty of Architecture of the Higher Politechnic Institute of Havana, the Cuban board of the International Council for Monuments and Places and the National Union of Architects and Engineers.
This jury gave faith for the good work of the nominees on the rescue of places with a great patrimonial value, and the very professional investigation work to make it possible.
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