Followed by thousands of students from different educational levels, the youth and the people in general, the head of state covered last night the route that goes from University of Havana steps to Fragua Martiana, site in which the former San Lazaro Quarries were located, where Martí was imprisoned at age 16.
Cuba vibrates tonight, when thousands of students and young people reissue the March of the Torches, this time throughout the island, as a homage and sincere tribute to our José Martí, who has become a nutritious sap of the thinking of each new generation, in necessary inspiration that encourages unity, reason and sacrifice’.
Bello stressed that this edition of the parade was dedicated to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, who passed away on November 25.
She added that other special motivations of the march are also the commemoration of the 55 anniversary of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) and the 95 anniversary of FEU. In addition, the parade is a greeting to the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students and to the world solidarity.
Let us march to demonstrate that the defense of Our America and the unity of our peoples is a duty of all. Let us march to reaffirm that this is the young Revolution of Fidel, Raúl and the new generations,’ she encouraged.
The March of the Torches was held for the first time at midnight on January 27, 1953, to await the advent of the centenary of the birth of José Martí.
Each new edition of the parade is an example of Cuban students’ support for the Revolution.
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