Latin American Countries to Experience Greater Impact of Climate Change

Experts forecast that the region of Latin America will become one of the most affected by climate change in the near future

hurricane hits tunas de zaza in sancti spiritus, central cuba
Coastal regions like Tunas de Zaza, in Sancti Spíritus, are greatly affected by hurricanes and floodings. (Photo: Escambray).

Latin America will become one of the most affected regions by climate change with new record hurricane activity, severe drought, prevailing forest fires and increasing sea levels, said the World Meteorological Organization–WMO.

According to a WMO report climate-related events between 1998 and 2020 claimed over 312 thousand lives in Latin America and the Caribbean and affected more than 227 million people.

Heat waves, low crop yield, forest fires, exhausted coral reefs and sea level events will be part of the most severe impact by climate change on the region.

The Organization also recalls extreme climate changes and their impact during the year 2020, the unprecedented record of 30 storms in the Atlantic area, the largest shifts of ocean temperature ever and the melting of glacial ice in the Chilean and Argentinean Andean mountains.

The report notes that limiting global warming below 2.0 centigrade degrees as established by the Paris Accord is crucial to reduce risks in a region which is already facing economic and social unbalances running against the possibility to achieve sustainable development.

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