World Tourists Bet on Cuba Destination

Cuba welcomed this year, from January to November, 3,108,551 tourists, a number that ratifies the upward trend in the reception of tourists, an official source reported today»

Cuba Second Tourist Destination in the Caribbean

Ecotourism, Yaguajay, Cuba

Cuba was selected by the Caribbean Tourism Organization as the 2nd most relevant tourist destination in the start of 2015, behind the Dominican Republic, press media reported here Wednesday.»

Cuban Tourism Bets on Advertising and Promotion


Advertising and promotion of quality occupy a significant space in the development of Cuban tourism. This concept was recently ratified recently by the emergence of the first 3D stereoscopic commercial. A team led by the photojournalist of Prensa Latina, Fernando Valdés (Ferval), took advantage of current filming technology in 3D,and under auspices of the Ministry of tourism (Mintur) presented a »