Raul Castro Stressed Need to End Blockade for Further Relations with USA

President Raul Castro suggested that U.S.-Cuba relations will not fully improved until the economic giant lifts its 50-year blockade of Cuba. President Castro made the remarks in the opening session of the two-day Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit in Costa Rica. CELAC is a coalition of the 33 Latin American and Caribbean nations, representing around 600 million people. »

Raul Castro Welcomes Uruguayan VP-elect

Cuban President Raul Castro received this Thursday afternoon Uruguay’s Vice-President-elect Raúl Fernando Sendic Rodríguez who is in Cuba on an official visit.»

Raul Castro: Cuba Won’t Give up Ideals

Raul Castro said that in the new stage of relations with the United States, Cuba will not give up the ideas for which its people have fought for over a century, shed blood and run the greatest risk.»

Cuban Five Attend Parliament Closing Session

“The Five are already here,” said Esteban Lazo, Politburo member and president of the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP by its Spanish acronym), at the start today of the closing day of the Fourth Regular Session of the Eighth Legislature.   »

Cuba Parliament Holds Closing Session

With the presence of the five Cuban heroes who were unjustly held in US prisons, the closing session of the IV Ordinary Period of the 8th Legislature of the National Assembly of the People’s Power, took place this Saturday, presided over by Army General Raul Castro, president of the Councils of State and Ministers. Cuba Parliament President Esteban Lazo welcomed »