Tribute to The Five at Cubadisco 2014

Musicians of the most diverse genres met at Havana’s Karl Marx Theater to honor the five Cuban antiterrorists on the occasion of the 18th edition of the island’s international record fair and contest, Cubadisco 2014.»

Documentary on Cuban Five Screened in France

“The Cuban Five: Obama and election of injustice” is the title of a documentary about the case of the five Cubans held prisoners in the United States, screened at the headquarters of the France-Cuba organization.»

Mujica Urges Obama to Free Cuban Anti-terrorists

Barack Obama and Pepe Mujica

Uruguayan president Jose Mujica asked Barack Obama to take action and free the three Cuban anti-terrorists, who are still in US prisons, since the issue is a major factor to improve relations with Cuba.»

Cindy Sheehan Backs Cuban Five Campaign in USA

U.S. pacifist Cindy Sheehan expressed in Washington her support to the international day of solidarity and denunciation to be held in Washington from Jun. 4 to 11 dedicated to the Cuban Five imprisoned in the United States.»