Radio Havana Cuba

Texto de Radio Havana Cuba

Venezuela Delivers Protest Letter to US Embassy

Venezuelan officials handed a formal letter of protest to the US embassy in Caracas on Friday to reject the White House’s recent executive order calling Venezuela a threat to national security.»

Alba-TCP Join Efforts to Reinforce Surveillance, Prevention against Ebola

The countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) regional bloc put together an action plan for a joint response to the Ebola pandemic in Africa. The Final Declaration of the ALBA Extraordinary Summit on Ebola lists as one of its main objectives the strengthening of “professional development for experts in the treatment of Ebola patients” »

Brazil Holds Presidential Elections

Brazil holds general elections this Sunday to choose a new president, state governors, federal and state representatives and one third of the senators.»

Fidel Castro Extols Cuban Health Workers Fighting Ebola

The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro praised the Cuban doctors and nurses who traveled to Sierra Leone to combat the epidemic of Ebola and invited doctors from countries with more resources to join this effort.»