Financial Backing for Urban Transportation Energy Transition Project

The project, Energy Transition of Urban Transport, which is being carried out by the Francisco Aguiar Rodriguez Industrial Company and the Faculty of Technical and Economic Sciences of the University of Sancti Spiritus “José Martí Pérez”, already has the financing approved by the FONCI, a financial instrument for Science, Technology and Innovation projects.

According to Doctor of Science Carlos Lázaro Jiménez Puerto, Vice-Dean of the aforementioned Faculty at the university, the project foresees the design and manufacture of 11 electric vehicle kits plus solineras this year, and a total of 561 at the end of the year, with a target completion date of 2028.

The also professor and researcher of the university added that for this project, 661 million 279,210 pesos have been allocated in national currency, and responds to one of the most important issues of the 21st century, such as the use of Renewable Energy Sources.

The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Technical and Economic Sciences at the University of Sancti Spiritus also explained that students from the Industrial Engineering career will participate in the project for the redesign of the prototypes and the optimization of the manufacturing and assembly line.

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