(Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa).
A local storm was reported today in the location known as Entronque de Guasimal, in the municipality of Sancti Spiritus, central Cuba.
Alexis Lorente, vice president of the Municipal Defense Council said that preliminary assessments have revealed damages on nearly 30 houses, some of them with partial or total collapse, in addition to electricity and telephone breaks and falling of trees, among others.

According to authorities from the provincial Water Resources Office, 47.4 mm of rain were reported during the last 24 hours thus shooting up the month accumulation to 271, for a 154 per cent of the historical average. Records above one hundred millimeters were also reported in different towns.
However, the Water Resources Office’s delegate Fredezmán Jiménez said that despite the favorable hydrometeorological situation, water level in the reservoirs is still a problem.

“For example, Zaza Dam has received nearly 34 000 000 m³ of water since the beginning of the rainy season (about 10 of them during the last few hours). At the moment this reservoir stores only 147 million which represents 16% of its filling capacity”, he added.
Due to the heavy rains so far reported in Sancti Spiritus, major rivers like Zaza, Agabama, Tuinucú and Yayabo greatly rose their level.

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