The Havana historian thanked the title and the compliments, and assured that everything he has done has been putting in every detail the sincere effort.
Havana City Historian Eusebio Leal Spengler received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in International Relations this Thursday at a gala held in Havana’s Martí Theater and in the presence
of Miguel Díaz-Canel, president of the Councils of States and Ministers.
The high distinction was granted by the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI), from the hands of the rector of that academic institution, Isabel Allende Karam.
During the ceremony, Allende Karam stressed that the recognition to Leal Spengler is because throughout his career has always been linked to foreign policy activities, has received high-level visits and has been a tireless promoter of Cuban history, culture and values.
The rector also mentioned that the historian is a profound connoisseur and defender of Martí’s legacy, and of Fidel’s ideas, and that with his constant work he has contributed to a better knowledge and understanding of the Cuban Revolution throughout the world.
In the words of Allende Karam, Eusebio Leal Spengler has been a powerful sustenance of Cuban diplomacy abroad.
Abel Prieto Jiménez, director of the Marti Program Office, pointed out that the title comes to thank the services of a man who has done a colossal job for Havana city.
He referred to Leal Spengler’s hard work, his indelible work as a historian and manager of a creative restoration project, and qualities that define him as a man who combines elegance with firmness of principle.
In the words of Prieto Jiménez, this is a figure who is all the time
attentive to details, who rejects botched work, and who has undertaken work that is recognized and admired in the world, where he has been applauded and decorated.
He added that the historian of Havana has developed a cultural diplomacy, and he pondered his condition of educated, refined, cordial speaker, with subtle arguments, that he does not tolerate that Fidel, Raúl or their Homeland are belittled or attacked.
Eusebio Leal Spengler thanked the title and the compliments, and assured that everything he has done has been putting in every detail the sincere effort.
He alluded to important moments in the history of Cuba that he has witnessed, such as the Literacy Campaign and the declaration of the socialist character of the Revolution; and he thanked the Cuban ambassadors with whom he had contact.
I have had the honor of serving three presidents of the Republic, and everything I have done has been with the vocation of the walker who never ends,” he said.
The activity was also attended by Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla; and José Ramón Saborido Loidi, minister of Higher Education.
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