The Republic of Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the disrespectful statement made by the United States Department of State, presented by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, in which an attempt is made to question the Constitutional referendum, freely and sovereignly conducted by Cubans this past February 24.
The text of the statement is an expression of imperialist thinking deeply rooted in the foreign policy of the current U.S. administration. It reflects the pretension, already announced, to once again impose the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere, accompanied now by McCarthyist intolerance.
The Cuban people spoke loud and clear on February 24, with resounding eloquence. They freely made use of the ballot box in the construction of socialism, doing so massively to express their will, despite the pernicious campaign by the United States government intended to influence the vote. Some time ago, Cubans cut short any U.S. pretension to control the destiny of our country.
The State Department should end the practice of meddling in the internal affairs of other states and interfering in electoral processes or votes in other nations. This is a mania that violates international law, with which the United States government disregards the norms that govern relations between sovereign states.
Havana, February 26, 2019
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