On this occasion we are invited to celebrate important events that highlight our history and traditions of struggle, such as the 56th anniversary of the victory of Playa Girón

The Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) and national trade unions has a issued a call on the Cuban people to mobilize to celebrate May Day, in a joyfyl environment of unity and commitment in the defense of socialism, under the banner of “Unity is our strength.”
There are many reasons for us to make this celebration of the global proletariat the greatest demonstration of support for our Revolution, Raúl and the Communist Party of Cuba, as well as a tribute to our historic leader, Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. This will be an opportunity to reaffirm the sacred oath to fulfill his Concept of Revolution endorsed by our people.
We will dedicate this May Day to Cuban youth, who today, as never before, stand as the continuators of the work of those who, almost 60 years ago, changed the course of our homeland’s history to make Cuba a free and independent nation, an example of sovereignty, dignity and heroism for the world.
This day will be a propitious moment to recognize the value of work, to maximize efficiency in each collective, to promote conservation to fulfill production and service plans, as well as to recognize outstanding individuals and collectives in this endeavor.
On this occasion we are invited to celebrate important events that highlight our history and traditions of struggle, such as the 56th anniversary of the victory of Playa Girón and the proclamation of the socialist character of the Revolution, the 55th anniversary of the creation of the Young Communists League and the 50th anniversary of the death of the heroic guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara, promoter of the struggle for the country’s industrialization, the drive to ensure daily fulfillment of our duties, labor discipline, the quality of production, voluntary work, and the innovators and rationalizers movement.
We will highlight the example and legacy of great labor leaders such as Lázaro Peña González, Jesús Menéndez Larrondo, José María Pérez Capote, and Aracelio Iglesias Díaz, as well as the example of others who identify the highest values of our different unions and workers.
This May Day we will ratify the firm conviction that through our own effort, victories, and proven ability to fight, we will continue to carry forward the process of updating the economic and social model that we have chosen, with the objective of developing the country and achieving the welfare of the people.
These activities will promote knowledge and support in each collective for the implementation of the Guidelines from the 7th Party Congress, aimed at building a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous, and sustainable nation.
Once again, during the huge, colorful marches in all our plazas and avenues, we will repeat the demand of our workers for an end to the criminal and genocidal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba, and the return of the territory illegally occupied by the Guantánamo Naval Base. At the same time we will reaffirm our solidarity with the peoples of the world who are fighting against the discriminatory policies that neoliberal capital applies in the labor sphere.
This year’s global workers’ celebration will be held in an international context in which the right is on the offensive in Latin America, attacking democratic processes and their leaders across the region.
Cuba reaffirms its support for the Bolivarian Revolution and the Venezuelan people in their struggle for sovereignty and self-determination, while at the same time expresses its decisive contribution to the consolidation of the economic, social, and cultural integration mechanisms of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), to successfully face the challenge of building a better world.
Nothing and no one will be able to stop us. The Cuban people will triumph.
Long live May Day!
Long live Fidel and Raúl!
Ever onward to victory!
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