The United Nations (UN) system in Cuba expressed its solidarity with the country, with those affected by Hurricane Matthew, which with Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale hit the easternmost side of the island

In the face of this situation, the UN office in Cuba makes all its
capabilities, experiences and resources available to the country; hence it has continued to monitor the impact of the hurricane and, in coordination with Cuban institutions, prepares an immediate response with essential items and for the early recovery phase.
The UN system and its member agencies work on the possibility of
strengthening existing projects in the most affected provinces, linked to the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) signed between Cuban agencies and institutions for the period 2014-2018.
Under UNDAF, four projects in the areas of population dynamics and quality, development and sustainability of social and cultural services are currently implemented in Guantanamo province, in conjunction with national counterparts and international cooperation partners; another one related to sustainable economic development; another seven dealing with food and nutrition security; and eight more in the area of environmental sustainability and disaster risk management.
In the case of Holguin province, there are seven projects in the area of population dynamics and quality, development and sustainability of social and cultural services; 10 in sustainable economic development; 12 linked to food and nutrition security; and 16 in environmental sustainability and disaster risk management.
Goal 13 of Sustainable Development recognizes the link between climate change and natural disasters. In its goals one, two and three, it foresees the strengthening of resilience and adaptability to climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries; the incorporation of actions on climate change to national policies, strategies and plans; and the improvement of education, awareness and human and institutional capacity with regard to mitigating climate change, adaptation to it, the reduction of its effects and early warning.
The UN system ratifies its admiration for the preparedness measures implemented by the country in the face of Hurricane Matthew, which made it possible to prevent the loss of human lives and reduce material damage.
The UN in Cuba stresses that such measures are an example of how to apply the principles of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the goals of which include reduction of the number of people affected by and worldwide mortality due to disasters.
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