The leading role of youth in the current ideological confrontation was emphasized in Sancti Spiritus by Cuba First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel, during a working meeting with the province’s principal leaders

“The young have shown that they know how to defend the Revolution very well,” he said, upon hearing about the participation of younger generations in the recent campaign denouncing the U.S. blockade and the interventionist nature of Barack Obama’s Presidential directive regarding policy toward Cuba.
The also member of the Political Bureau praised the contributions of youth in important tasks such as stepping up to fill vacant teaching positions in provinces facing teacher shortage; participating in the national internal audit; and joining brigades to support rebuilding and recovery efforts in areas hit by Hurricane Matthew in the eastern part of the island.
Joining Díaz-Canel were José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, Central Committee member and first secretary of the Party in Sancti Spíritus, and Teresita Romero Rodríguez, president of the Provincial Assembly of People’s Power, in a meeting with young farmer Yoandry Rodríguez Porras, at the Nieves Morejón Cooperative located in Punta de Diamante, in the municipality of Cabaiguán. Rodríguez has been recognized for his accomplishments in diversifying the crops he raises.
On his visit to Cienfuegos – accompanied by Lidia Esther Brunet Nodarse, Central Committee member and first secretary of the Party in the province; and Mayrelis Pernía Cordero, president of the Provincial Assembly of People’s Power – Díaz-Canel insisted on the need to improve the quality of education at all levels. He commented that given the expanded availability of wi-fi Internet connections, students must learn to manage knowledge and share content on social networks and academic sites.
Both in Sancti Spíritus and Cienfuegos, the First Vice President received reports on the progress of the current academic year and different strategies being used to address teacher shortages.

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