Chronology of Top Bands Captured in Las Villas

1959 November: The first group is captured, all its troopers came to be members of the  counterrevolutionary organization the Rosa Blanca (the White Rose). 1960 October: Sinesio Walsh and Plinio Prieto 1961 February 17: Alejandro Lima Bárzaga, Nando Lima. December 12: Margarito Lanza Flores, Tondique. 1962 March 23: Noel Peña Sánchez April 17: Osvaldo Ramírez


November: The first group is captured, all its troopers came to be members of the  counterrevolutionary organization the Rosa Blanca (the White Rose).


October: Sinesio Walsh and Plinio Prieto


February 17: Alejandro Lima Bárzaga, Nando Lima.

December 12: Margarito Lanza Flores, Tondique.


March 23: Noel Peña Sánchez

April 17: Osvaldo Ramírez

April: Congo Pacheco

May 17: Idael Rodríguez Lasval, The Artillero (the Gunner)

August 4: Gilberto Rodríguez

October 1st: Arnoldo Martínez Andrade

October 17: Leonardo Penate

November 26: Pablo Triana Rodríguez


January 4: Porfirio Guillén

January 22:  Celestino Rojas

February 1st: Osiris Borges Rojas

February 28:  Tomás San Gil

19-22 of March: Gustavo Sargent

March 24: Manuel Vázquez Vera, The Gallego (The Galician), and Ramón Galindo Almeida, The Pelúa

April 3: Filiberto González García, The Asturianito (The little Asturian)

April 27: Orestes Castillo and The Airados

May 16: Jesus  Ramón Real, Realito

May 23: Miguel Jerez Besú, The Oriental (The easterner)

May 26: Domingo González García, Mingo Melena

May 28: Esteban Moreira Acosta

1- 2 of June: Manuel Otero Echevarría

June 11: Celestino Alarcón Rivero, Quimbo, and Eusebio Capote, Patiblanca ( The white leg)

June 17: Efraín Peña Peña

July 8: Pedro León Hernández, Perico (Parakeet)

July 11: Rigoberto Ojeda

August 20: Rigoberto Tartabull

September: Demetrio Román Pérez, Nano Pérez

November 5: Nicolás Viera Gutiérrez, Zumba Viera

December: The Boticario (The Druggist)


January 25: Ramón Mesa Medinilla, Charamusca

February 4: Maro Borges

Early this year: Pancho Jutía

February 16: Ramón del Sol Sorí, Ramoncito del Sol (Ramoncito of the Sun)

March 28: Julio Emilio Carretero.

April 4: Silvino Díaz Rodríguez

May 2: Rubén Cordovés

June 5: Cheíto León

Half year: Benito Campos

November 12: Salvador Oropesa Abreu

December 18: Francisco Pineda Cabrera, Mumo


March 11:  Blas Tardío

July 4: Juan Alberto Martínez Andrade

Notice: There are bands that were partly annihilated, on different dates and places, but we do merely mention the day in which their heads were finally captured or at least the majority of their members.

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